Marcus Veda

4Beat Vinyasa + Yin

4Beat Vinyasa

4Beat is a dynamic vinyasa flow class created by Marcus and born out of the Rocket Yoga system. The core of the practice is the alignment of the breath to the slow, regular beat of the music. Focusing the mind and the breath on a 4 beat count leads to a sharp, single-pointed and unwavering ability to concentrate. You will find yourself completely immersed in a state of synchronous moving meditation. 


The two main sequences are based on the arc of the (Ashtanga-inspired) Rocket Yoga system. You’ll start with sun salutations before moving into a sequence of standing postures. Marcus will lead you to the floor for back arches, twists and forward bends before guiding you into the closing, calming postures. There are inversions and arm balances taught throughout, but they are totally optional. Consistency of the slow, steady breath is always more important than any posture, difficult or not. 


All you have to do is breathe in … one, two, three, four …. and breathe out … one, two, three, four. 


This class is taught with music.


4Beat is suitable for adventurous beginners and beyond. Everyone — whether newbie or frequent flyer — syncs together.


Yin is the passive, mindful meditation in stillness: stop doing anything – do nothing – and simply observe the things that normally keep you distracted – ie constant thinking. See what’s there rather than actively looking.


In Marcus’ Yin classes you will explore poses to help you find stillness, any movement here is a distraction. This enables not only a different way in to meditation but also the calming of the autonomic nervous system – into a parasympathetic: rest, digest and healing state.


As a counter to the hectic and over-stimulated lives we often lead, and sometimes compound, Yin is the alternative. As strong as it is soft, it is a practice many of us need more than we think.


Yin classes are suitable for all levels.


  • Co-Founder of Good Life Yoga School
  • Co-Author of “Greed, Sex, Intention: Living Like a Yogi in the 21st Century” and “How to Win at Yoga”
  • 200 hour TT, The Yoga People (2012)
  • 100 hour advanced Rocket TT, The Yoga People (2014)
  • 100 hour Yin TT, The Yoga People (2015)
  • 20 hour Ashtanga TT David Swenson (2016)
  • 50 hour Advanced Rocket TT David Kyle (2017)
  • 500 hour TT, Jason Crandell (2019)
