Restore movement, reduce stress


Mission offers an expanding range of treatments from Physiotherapy to Energy Healing, Reflexology to Sports Massage and Craniosacral Therapy. Whether you’re an athlete with a niggling injury that just won’t go away, or are suffering from workplace burnout and looking to restore balance in your life, we are home to therapists renowned and respected in their fields. Our treatment rooms are warm, welcoming spaces and the services offered will scale up in the coming months to include a wide range of treatments that are at once healing, relaxing and rejuvenating.

Sarah Milner
Fridays: 7am - 3pm


An initial appointment with Sarah will include a full musculoskeletal assessment, individualised treatment and a discussion of the treatment plan needed to help you achieve your goals.


Physiotherapy can help with a number of issues, including:

• Sports injuries
• Back and neck pain
• Rehabilitation following surgery or fractures
• Ligament and muscle tears and strains
• Tendon problems
• Arthritis and other joint conditions
• Work related pain
• Running injuries
• Circus performers’ injuries


Sarah’s treatments can include:

• Manual therapy including joint mobilisations or manipulations and soft tissue techniques such as massage
• Exercise rehabilitation
• Movement analysis and correction
• Acupuncture/needling
• Taping
• Education and advice


Sarah has more than 10 years experience in private practice, NHS and professional as well as amateur sports. She works with athletes, actors and circus performers and can treat sports injuries, complex pain pathologies and tendinopathies. She has helped runners, footballers, rugby players, martial arts practitioners and Calisthenics athletes. Sarah is also a fully qualified acupuncture practitioner, and has consulted with Adidas and New Balance to deliver educational sessions to their athletes. Sarah is a former semi-pro footballer turned runner with experience running marathons and has a keen interest in strength conditioning. 

Cordelia Bugeja
Thursdays: 9am - 1pm


Reflexology is an ancient form of healing dating back to the Egyptian times. It helps the body aid itself by stimulating nerve points on the foot that correspond to related organs in the body through chi and meridian lines. The nervous system is unblocked, and oxygen and blood flow within the body, cleansing it from toxins and creating a new sense of balance and wellbeing.  Cordelia likes to mix her treatments up by adding a bit more “kapow” by leaning into deeper acupressure points that are linked to TCM (Chinese Traditional Medicine.) The benefits of reflexology are many, and can help with stress, IBS, back pain, digestive disorders, headaches and insomnia.


Pregnancy Reflexology

Cordelia also works with those who are pregnant to create a relaxing and safe environment for the baby to grow and to even come into the world when the time is right! Cordelia’s treatments are deep and intuitive, always adapting and changing to the needs of her clients. She believes no soul is the same.


Cordelia has more than 13 years’ experience and trained at the renowned London School of Reflexology. She specialises in the advanced techniques of Maternity Reflexology, and creates bespoke treatments for her clients that deeply relaxing experiences.

Claudio Astuto
Wednesdays: 1.30 - 5.30pm

Sports & Remedial Massage

Sports & Remedial Massage can be beneficial to anyone, whether you’re a seasoned athlete, a daily yoga practitioner or a casual weekend jogger. Claudio can help with general muscular problems — easing tension, improving circulation and increasing tissue elasticity.


The main goal of Claudio’s treatment is to reduce pain, encourage existing injuries to heal and help prevent problem areas from potentially developing into a more serious or longer-term conditions


Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a very gentle, non-invasive treatment where Claudio works intuitively with the inherent healing potential of the individual’s body. Craniosacral therapy can restore health and integration of body, mind and spirit. Claudio works with all ages and can help newborns who suffer the effects of traumatic births, as well as the elderly to ease the symptoms of strokes or Parkinson’s Disease. CST can enhance the overall well-being of anyone, to reduce the stresses and strains of life both physical and emotional. This can be a transformative therapy, often resolving issues that are not helped by other means.


Claudio is a BTEC level 5 Remedial Sports Masseur, having studied at the North London School of Sports Massage, and a Craniosacral Therapist, having attained his degree from the College of CranioSacral Therapy.​ Claudio has attended various anatomy and physiology trainings to specialise further in rehab from injury, movement conditioning, and fascial work.

Howard Tam
Tuesdays: 10.30am-2.30pm & Thursdays: 3-7pm

Sports & Remedial Massage

Sports & Remedial Massage can be beneficial to anyone, whether you’re a seasoned athlete, a daily yoga practitioner or a dancer. After sustaining many various injuries throughout his dance career Howard decided to study Sports & Remedial Massage Therapy so that he could help others recover from injury and carry on with their love of sport, dance and general fitness.


Having both a personal and therapist’s perspective on injuries has deepened his understanding of the musculoskeletal system and what the body needs to rebalance and repair itself.


Howard’s approach involves combining techniques such as Sports And Remedial/ Deep Tissue Massge Therapy (Soft Tissue Therapy), Energy Work, Craniosacral Therapy (CST), Qi Gong Therapy and Sports Thai Massage to create bespoke treatment plans tailored to the specific needs of each client.


Howard studies Sports & Remedial Massage at the renowned London School of Sports Massage (LSSM), CranioSacral Therapy (CST) at the Upledger Institute, Sports Thai Massage at NLSSM and Qi Gong Therapy techniques with Paul Cavel.

Sivaroshan Sahathevan
Tuesdays: Ad Hoc

Energy Healing

The healing process is best described as “etheric” where Sivaroshan works with the energetic auras around and within you. Sivaroshan opens channels of energy to release “stuck” energy patterns in order to improve their flow through the physical, mental and spiritual body. Sivaroshan opens fields in ways that allow for a powerful yet safe release of “the old.” The energies themselves can be described as having an intelligence of sorts, as with all patterns, they “know” where to go.


Energy Healing is unique to the individual and as blocks within the physical body are released, you might feel a release of energy. You might experience mental visualisations of past events, or you might simply achieve an emotionally-relaxed state.



The day of your birth is a very significant event, and the numbers of your birth day hold the blueprint for your life journey (strengths, challenges, and pathways.) When these are revealed (especially for the first time), the issues we think we face can often change; the “cloak” is removed, and one can see the situation through a different lens. The sense of wanting to know all is challenged, and a way in for a new beginning emerges.


Sivaroshan has found the combination of Numerology and Energy Healing to be a powerful and effective way to transform his clients’ lives. Numerology provides invaluable insights, and helps solidify the anchoring intention for the healing to be as effective as it can be.


Sivaroshan is an experienced Kundalini Yoga Teacher, as well as Channel and Energy Healer. He has trained with some of the finest teachers and healers in the world and now himself trains others on the same path.