May at Mission

This month we are hosting fantastic workshops and teacher training from our Mission teachers Jermaine Straker and Lucy Joslin, David Kam, Jean Hall and Sammy Dineen. We are also excited to welcome Anna Ashby, Chris Swain and James Rafael to the studio for a range of workshops and training. Check out the full schedule below!


Learn to incorporate rolling in your movement practice, a foundational form of locomotion often forgotten. After all, we roll before we learn to crawl and walk; we did it so effortlessly as babies. The afternoon will break down specific rolling techniques across different planes of motion, with particular focus on exploring how we can soften into and out of the floor safely and efficiently.


When the body softens and sources earth moving with the direction of gravity, there arises in equal measure a radiant and expansive tone engendering body as sky.


To practice yoga involves working not only with gravity’s pull to the centre but with its opposite – soft, radiant expansion that embodies space. This interplay results in soft, fluid strength expressed as integration. This workshop spotlights the interrelationship between body, gravity and expansion.


This beginners’ handstand course embarks on a journey of balance, strength, and poise. The classes will unfold with careful guidance, focusing on foundational elements crucial for success. 


This training focuses on going deeper into the practice, art and teaching of Restorative Yoga. It includes immersive practice, how to set-up/adapt postures, self-enquiry, meditation practice, as well as lecture and dialogue.


Join the Cali Kulture senior team for their first-ever training at Mission. Whether you want to teach Calisthenics or gain a more in-depth understanding, this three day immersion will teach you the fundamentals of the sport.


  • May 2024 – January 2025: Daoist Flow TT with Jean Hall & James Rafael
    This eight-month training will give you the foundations of Daoist Flow, allowing you to deepen your knowledge and approach to mind-body movement in this integrated practice of Yoga, Qigong and Somatics. 



Coming up in June…


Join Anji Gopal, Osteopath, Yoga teacher & Yoga for BackCare Expert for a 2-hour workshop breaking down some of the more challenging asana groups. A highly useful & engaging workshop including anatomy, postures, problem solving & more. Bring along your questions. 


‘Floreio’: From the Brazilian Portuguese (flor – flower – to flourish). Floreio(s) is a Capoeira concept which embodies an evolving family of acrobatic movements commonly popularised and utilised today by the ‘movement’ field often described as ‘softacrobatics’.

In this workshop we will develop our confidence by confronting our fear of falling and explore objective and practical ways of navigating the uncharted dimensions between our body and space. Our spatial awareness will grow through sensory feedback mechanisms and physical risk assessments. We will learn how to become soft, agile and light as a feather developing fluid transitions.


This unique live workshop for women and their birthing partners is informative, practical and confidence-building. Knowledge is power and you will gain a good understanding of physiological birth and how to cooperate with and encourage this innate and evolved process to flow.