Opening doors to something deeper


A Mission workshop taught by Mission teachers gives students a chance to unpack a particular skill, technique or posture, and linger a bit longer than you would in a regular class. A workshop is a chance to explore and to ask questions. They are generally taught on a Friday night or at the weekend, giving students more time to sink in, reflect and learn.

Breathwork: Breathe New Beginnings
with Richie Bostock

Friday 26th July: 6.00-7.30pm – SOLD OUT

From caffeine to CBD oil, many of us are always on the search for something outside of us to change the way that we feel. But what if feeling complete peace and relaxation, buzzing energy and even overwhelming joy was literally just a breath away. The way we breathe is linked to every single function and system in the body and once understood can be used as a tool to radically improve our physical and mental health and performance and emotional wellbeing.


It is time for you to discover, explore and develop the power and potential of your breath. In this workshop you will learn the science behind why your breath is like your body’s very own in-built Swiss Army knife. Here, you have a tool that can help you in so many situations and improve your physical and mental health and performance and emotional wellbeing.


After learning how to use your breath with purpose, it’s time for you to experience it. Is it possible to achieve the same blissful states of no-mind, no-where and no-time that dedicated meditators take many years to achieve with just a few minutes of breathing? Richard will guide you through a deep Breathwork experience that will turn down the volume of your thoughts in a way like you’ve never experienced and leave you on a natural high with a sense of peace, clarity and blissful energy that you need to feel and perform at your best.


Please bring a water bottle and wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing that you can move around in. Please also bring anything to help you feel comfortable (blankets/pillows etc), and please don’t eat 90 minutes before the session (drinking water is fine).


Please note: Unfortunately this workshop is not suitable for anyone with severe cardiovascular issues, epilepsy or women who are pregnant.

Moving Together
with Catherine Annis & Ben Wright

Saturday 27th July: 12.30-5.00pm

Have you ever wondered how movement might meaningfully connect us? How yoga could possibly expand into the realm of dancing and how dancing might slide beyond choreography into group and self-care?


Join Yoga teacher Catherine Annis and Choreographer/Director Ben Wright for this one day movement workshop which explores the primal connection we experience when we move together, as a group.


Rooted in a dialogue between awareness and action, this unique workshop offers participants a range of experiences to uncover, discover, and invite movement through the complimentary disciplines of mindful yoga and dancing. Together we will play with the idea that moving has the possibility to change thinking.


Throughout the day, we’ll bring sensation to the foreground to sharpen perception and spur kinetic imagination. From the generosity and expansiveness of unstructured, intuitive free-form movement, we’ll transition into more organised and directional movements, leaning into and away from forms we may recognise as yoga asana to intensify a sense of immediacy.


The workshop is suitable for movement practitioners, dance artists and those who are curious about expanding their experiences from a yoga mat into wider expressive intention.


Image: Chris Nash from Spectrum by Ben Wright for Skanes Dansteater

Make Your Asana Fly: A Summer of Workshops
with Nicki Ratcliffe

Sundays 28th July, 11th & 26th August, 8th September: 3.00-5.00pm
£90 (for all 4)

Join Handstand Queen Nicki Ratcliffe in this four-part workshop that explores how the magic of bandhas — when combined with the energy of gymnastics drills — can take your asana practice to the next level.


You can take one, two, three or all four of these workshops:


July 28 – Welcome to Ashwini bandha and Surya bandha

August 11 – Lock down your Amsa Bandha and Svadhistana bandha

August 25 – Do core like a gymnast!

September 8 – Compression strength – want to float instead of jump?


All levels are welcome to join, though we recommend some experience in practising yoga.

Beginners Handstand
with Alona Zhuravel

Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th August: 12.30-3.30pm

Are you new to handstands? Come learn from Cirque du Soleil performer Alona Zhuravel who since an early age has been gracing circus stages and big tops around the world.


These workshops are pitched at beginners and will help you understand the principles of alignment when upside down, first against the wall and then slowly away from it. You’ll build confidence and become familiar with the different shapes of a handstand — tuck, straddle and full handstand. The capacity of these workshops are limited so that Alona can spend time with you individually. You’ll also learn how to work safely with a partner.


Alona started training handstands when she was just six years old. Her performance career started in 2001 and since then she has been touring around the world with shows like ‘Varekai’ and ‘Joya’ from Cirque du Soleil. She uses different teaching methods to fulfil her purpose to make the upside-down world comfortable and light.

Advanced Handstand
with Alona Zhuravel

Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th August: 4.00-7.00pm

These workshops are for those who have a more established handstand practice.


You’ll work on sharpening your focus and perfecting alignment in the freestanding handstand. You’ll develop familiarity with tucks, straddles, full handstands and even flags and the one-armed handstand. You’ll work new and different shapes, some of which you may have practised before but others you probably haven’t!


Alona started training handstands when she was just six years old. Her performance career started in 2001 and since then she has been touring around the world with shows like ‘Varekai’ and ‘Joya’ from Cirque du Soleil. She uses different teaching methods to fulfil her purpose to make the upside-down world comfortable and light.

Breathwork: Diving into the Wave
with Richie Bostock

Saturday 10th August: 2.00-5.30pm

If we observe our current time in human history it appears that more than ever before, we are existing through a time of great and rapid upheaval, where old norms are being challenged and unravelled and new possibilities are emerging. Mirroring this collective shift, there is an individual invitation for each and every one of us to become more introspective and contemplate how we wish to live our own lives and play our part in this grand new human story.


In this workshop we explore the potential of Breathwork as one of the many emerging tools for gaining greater insight and experience into the truth of who we truly are.


The way that we breathe affects every system and function in our body. Using the breath with purpose allows us to enter embodied states of awareness where we can move stuck tension and frozenness within our nervous system, and psyche, in a safe yet powerful manner. This gentle unwinding provides a profound softening within our system that can help us to gain insight and direction into the greatest possibilities for ourselves.


Please bring a water bottle and wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing that you can move around in. Please also bring anything to help you feel comfortable (blankets/pillows etc), and please don’t eat 90 minutes before the session (drinking water is fine).


Please note: Unfortunately this workshop is not suitable for anyone with severe cardiovascular issues, epilepsy or women who are pregnant.

PRESENCE: A Men’s Wellbeing Workshop
with PILLA Yoga Club

Saturday 17th August: 3.00-6.00pm
£15 – £30

Mission welcomes the PILLA community to an afternoon of movement, mindfulness and connection. This unique event pairs a Dharma and Yin yoga class led by Marcia Sharp (with assistance from Rory Bradshaw), paired with a meditative sound journey facilitated by Sweetestcape (Tobias).


The PILLA community is passionate about allowing men to take better care of their wellbeing and through this fusion of yoga and sound, you will be able to connect with yourself on a deeper level in a fun, welcoming and supportive environment amongst other guys. Newcomers and experienced practitioners are all welcome – this workshop is an opportunity to connect with your present experience – we will flow, breathe and listen as one.


This not-for-profit workshop is suitable for anyone who identifies as male or non-binary. Based on your income, please select what you pay starting at £15 and going to £30. Revenues cover the costs of running the workshop.

Active/Hypnobirthing Workshop
with Lolly Stirk

Sunday 18th August: 12.30-6.00pm

This unique live workshop for women and their birthing partners is informative, practical and confidence-building. Knowledge is power and you will gain a good understanding of physiological birth and how to cooperate with and encourage this innate and evolved process to flow.


Your environment has an enormous influence on the way you birth and Lolly pays particular attention to educating your partner on how to hold and protect your space.


She will draw on her many years as a doula, yoga teacher, certified hypnobirther and childbirth educator to provide you with the tools for working together before and during the birth. You will learn how to release tension and fear though education, breathwork, visualisation, movement and massage.


You will be given reading references and leaflets for additional information as well a hypnobreathing script. Across the six-hour session we will look at:

  • Physiological birth
  • Hypnobreathing, sounding and visualisation for labour and birth
  • Environmental factors that complement the release of birth hormones
  • Gravity-assisted positions, movements and massage for labour and birth
  • Waterbirth


There will be a maximum of 10 couples attending this workshop, giving time for individual questions. Ideally, this workshop should be taken in the third trimester of pregnancy, but it can be taken at any time.


A FREE online Yoga for Pregnancy with Lolly is offered as part of this workshop. These classes take place online through www.mother-time.co.uk on Wednesday evenings 19:00-20:30 and will complement and embed the benefits of the workshop. To claim your free class please email contact@mother-time.co.uk and a copy of your Mission booking confirmation and we will send you the link to Lolly’s class.


Lolly Stirk is a pioneer in her field. She began studying yoga in 1970 and with the birth of her daughter in the 70’s she was drawn into the world of birth. Her career has spanned over four decades and has been dedicated to creating the ideal practise for labour, birth and beyond. She trained as an NCT teacher, is a qualified hypnobirther of many years and has attended hundreds of births in the capacity of Doula. As a founding member of the Active Birth Movement in 1980, she trained scores of Active Birth Teachers and campaigned for the rights of women to move freely during the births of their babies. This contributed to a global movement towards natural births which resulted in changes in policy, establishing birth centres in many major hospitals. Lolly has lectured to obstetricians, midwives and midwifery students in hospitals on physiological birth and breathwork. Lolly remains and has always been grateful for the safety net of modern medicine and technology when necessary. She also believes wholeheartedly in the capacity of women to give birth ‘on their own steam’ given the right environment and education, both physical and intellectual.

4Beat 4 All
with Fiona Callanan

Friday 23rd August: 6.00-8.00pm

Are you new to the 4Beat practice? Curious about it, but worried that it might be a bit too much?


You’ve come to the right place. This workshop will be a 2-hour long introduction to 4Beat for practitioners who are new to it or just interested to learn more.


4Beat is borne out of the Rocket system and is designed (as Rocket originally was), to be accessible for all. In particular 4Beat enables every body to benefit from the practice in whatever way they need. That’s because:

  • it’s essence is the synchronous moving meditation that is experienced when the breath of the practitioner is synced to the beat of the music; and because
  • there are ways for every single body to work on every asana that appears in it.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • The philosophy and psychology of the practice;
  • How to work with your breath. How to breathe in for 4 and breathe out for 4, and how then to sync your breath to the beat of the music;
  • How to work with the asana. You will explore various alternatives for practising the key poses in the sequence, including the sun salutations, the main standing poses, and some inversions and arm balances so that you can find a way to make every pose work for you no matter where you are in your practice; and
  • How to put everything you have learned into a flow so that you can experience the overall effect of the practice for yourself and take what you need from it whenever you need to.


This workshop is suitable for everyone.

with Sylvia Garcia and Jaqui Wan

Sunday 1st September: 1.30-3.30pm

Learn to take you yoga up in the air as we show you how to base and fly some of the fundamental acroyoga poses.


We will look at alignment and form and will be working in small groups with someone spotting each trick to ensure safety!


You can come alone or bring a friend. Warning, the content of this workshop is very fun and highly addictive!


This workshop is suitable for all levels so come and fly!

Reboot and Reset - a Journey of Breath and Sound
with Sally Connor and Pablo

Sunday 1st September: 4.15-6.45pm

If you’ve ever experienced Transformational Breathwork and Sound, you’ll know it can feel almost miraculous!


Transformational breathwork is a therapeutic breathing technique that can relieve physical tension in the body, emotional stresses and blockages, leaving you feeling lighter and more connected to Self. Using circular breathing, you can move into an altered conscious state and access and release deeply buried obstacles and blocks. There is no other technique that can take you as deep into yourself, in such a short period of time, as breathwork.


After the Breathwork session, you’ll continue to lie on your mat, while Pablo will bring you into a state of deep integrative relaxation using sound. Sound healing has been used for centuries to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall wellbeing. The soothing sounds and vibrations of the Gong, singing bowls, chimes and drum, will help create a meditative and immersive environment for you to assimilate and integrate all the benefits of the breathwork session.


We aim to show you the power of your breath and sound as vehicles for healing and enhancing your physical, mental and emotional health. The session will last for 2.5 hours, giving us space to set an intention and to share and integrate our experiences after the breathwork and sound. We will start with a breathwork session, moving into beautiful sound healing and floating off into bliss.


This workshop is suitable for everyone. For this experience, bring a bottle of water… you might want to bring a journal to make notes on your experience but this is not required. There is no movement component to this workshop, so no need to wear “yoga clothes” but please dress for comfort.


If you are aware of any heart conditions or brain conditions (ie. Epilepsy, PTSD) you may experience or could be/are pregnant please let Sally or Pablo know on the day.

The Art of Speech
with Anna Ashby & Jean Hall

Friday 6th September: 3.00-6.00pm
£45 (Fri & Sat workshops – £130)

This session explores the theme of the weekend through breath, movement and stillness practices that incorporate teachings from the tradition, as well as more contemporary approaches. The Teachers’ Practice will weave together aspects of philosophy, physiology and psychology – time dedicated to experiencing deeply felt wisdom of breath, body and mind.


After the practice we will come together to discuss and share our thoughts, findings and reflections that center around a particular topic of interest relevant to the group.


Saturday 7th September: 12.00-4.30pm
£95 (Fri & Sat workshops – £130)

This session spotlights vāk, the karmendriya that involves the organ of action of speech. The line enquiry for this session will ask questions such as, “What is the underlying impulse for words? What is being communicated and why? Where in the body is the impulse for speech arising? How can the power of exchange be nurtured in a teaching environment?”


Drawing upon the theme for the weekend, the Teachers’ Development offers time to explore essential sensory perceptions and actions (jñānendriya and karmendriya) that sustain and nourish teaching. This session includes open enquiry, somatic and experiential movement practices, group work and dialogue. These approaches deepen and widen understanding and capacity to teach with authenticity while helping others access their own power and wisdom.


These sessions support teachers to:
● Explore and expand personal practice
● Build confidence
● Connect to authentic teaching
● Feel empowered and part of community
● Access innate wisdom and creativity
● Weave philosophy, physiology and psychology into classes


These sessions are for yoga teachers of all backgrounds and styles offering a supportive space to connect with others, explore and expand personal practice, discuss challenges, and contemplate what we value most in the teachings of yoga and how we may share this with others.

Ashtanga Yoga Full Primary Series
with Kino MacGregor & Tim Feldmann

Sunday 29th September: 12.00-2.00pm
£60 or £125 for all 3

Surrender to the traditional Ashtanga Yoga method with careful emphasis on the traditional vinyasa method and have fun along the journey. The Primary Series will be instructed and counted in Sanskrit from start to end.


Experience the integrity and purity of the Ashtanga Yoga practice and be prepared to sweat.


Prior Ashtanga Yoga experience required.

Fearless Backbends
with Kino MacGregor & Tim Feldmann

Sunday 29th September: 2.30-4.30pm
£60 or £125 for all 3

If you enjoy a challenge but think you are too stiff to ever bend your back then this is the perfect class for you. By understanding how to work your body in a safe way you will learn what it takes to really bend over backwards with no fear.


The secrets of deep backbends are available to you through the integration of sound anatomical principles, healthy alignment techniques and fun, intense stretches. The dynamic movement mechanics of bending your spine are the key to increased energy flow and in this class you will begin to explore your natural potential for deep backbends with safety, support and enthusiasm.

The Equanimous Mind: Meditation and Discussion
with Kino MacGregor & Tim Feldmann

Sunday 29th September: 4.45-6.00pm
£25 or £125 for all 3

Dive down into your inner world and discover your calm, steady mind and a courageous heart. Train the mind to be single-pointed in the Eka-Tattva state and cultivate a state of equanimity.


A strong mind is a vital tool on the path of living the yogi’s life. Join this session and begin your spiritual journey.

The Source: A Course for Yoga Teachers
with John Stirk

Wednesdays: 9th October, 6th November & 4th December

What if, in the first instance, we could only rely on personal investigation and ‘then’ look at what others have said? What if we were our own starting point, minus the expectations accompanying external knowledge? What if we only had our feeling, thinking mind and body as we perceive it? What if we were our only resource?


This course explores the source of the yoga experience within the group field. As we intensify our practice and discuss our discoveries we will open to a profound unitive experience and deepen the roots of transformation. The aim is to invite a further shift in internal behaviour and subsequently inform our practice, teaching and the quality of our communicative skills.


We will not be bound by a fixed formula. Elements that arise will relate to in the moment experiences as we pass through them. Contact time is spread over 8 weeks to give time to process the impact of each day long session. The following may provide a guide:

Information and Transformation; Applications and their limitations; The Source; The Nature of Experience; Dissolving Experience; Unveiling Anatomy; The Role of the body; Perception and reception Voluntary and involuntary activity; Sensation and Sensitivity; Unveiling Philosophy; Dividing the Indivisible; Consciousness; Mind and Ego; The Quantum World – Everything and Nothing; Original Intelligence; Fields of Influence; Space Silence; Energy; The Known and the Unknown the Roots of Transformation; Processing Conditioning; Identification and Vulnerability; Communication and Communion; Existence Love and Healing; Conclusions Possibilities and Potential Outcomes; Mystery Magic; Reflection


The reality of yoga is unseen, beyond shapes and extensions and everyday experience. The reality concerns an awareness of all that we are and might be. We are the reality. As we pass through inner emptiness, we come out into the light.


John Stirk is a yoga teacher and author with a background in osteopathy. He has been teaching and running courses for more than 40 years in the UK and internationally. He has published several books, notably The Original Body, Primal movement for Yoga Teachers, (2015) and Deeper Still, Authentic Embodiment for Yoga Teachers (2021).

A Weekend of Workshops
with David Swenson

Friday 8th – Sunday 10th November
£40 for each individual workshop
£230 for the full weekend

Join David, one of the world’s foremost practitioners and instructors of Ashtanga Yoga. You can attend any of these workshops individually or join for a full weekend of Ashtanga!


Ashtanga Yoga: Exploring the FUNdamentals
Friday November 8th: 6.00-8.00pm


Fully Led Primary Series
Saturday November 9th: 12.00-2.00pm


Inversions and Backbends
Saturday November 9th: 3.00-5.00pm


Breath, Bandhas and Pranayama
Saturday November 9th: 5.30-7.30pm


So You Think You Can Balance
Sunday November 10th: 12.00-2.00pm


Really Hip Openings for the Hips
Sunday November 10th: 3-5pm

The Heart of Ashtanga Yoga
with Saraswathi Jois

Friday 16th – Tuesday 20th May, 2025
£250 for all five days, £50 for one class


Join R Saraswathi Jois, Ashtanga Yoga’s senior-most female teacher, in a rare visit abroad from her shala in Mysore, India. At Mission, Saraswati will be accompanied by her daughter Sharmila and they will teach led Primary and led Intermediate Series as well as chanting sessions and a Conference.


Saraswathi will teach led classes at Mission — both the Primary and the Intermediate Series, as well chanting classes and the all-important Conference where you can ask this matriarch questions about “first breath, then gazing, then posture,” about integrating a daily practice into family life, about Sanskrit, or any questions you may have about the path of yoga.

6-Week Handstand Course
with Sammy Dinneen

Next Dates TBC
This beginners’ handstand course embarks on a journey of balance, strength, and poise. The classes will unfold with careful guidance, focusing on foundational elements crucial for success.


You will delve into body tension, understanding weight distribution, and mastering proper alignment. Each session cultivates mindfulness as students gradually overcome fears and build confidence in inversions. Progression unfolds through drills targeting shoulder stability, wrist mobility, and body awareness.


With instruction, participants learn to kick up, finding stability against gravity’s pull. Amidst hard work and determination, you will discover newfound strength and agility on the palms of your hands.